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Qingdao Hibong Fertilizer Co., LTD.

Hibong CEO gives speech at Cross-border Summit in Qingdao City

Jun 16, 2022

Hibong CEO gives speech at Cross-border Summit in Qingdao City

On June 16, 2022, the High-quality Growth Summit and Shandong Cross-border E-commerce Ecological Conference has been hold in Qingdao. Hibong General Manager Emily Zheng has made a wonderful speech.

 In November 2022, Qingdao Hibong Industrial Technology Co., Ltd became the SKA (Super Key Account) on Alibaba.

Nov 01, 2022

In November 2022, Qingdao Hibong Industrial Technology Co., Ltd became the SKA (Super Key Account) on Alibaba.

In November 2022, Qingdao Hibong Industrial Technology Co., Ltd became the SKA (Super Key Account) on Alibaba.

Move into a new office and start a new journey

May 08, 2023

Move into a new office and start a new journey

With the continuous growth of the team, and for better development in the future,we moved into a luxurious new office in October 2022. The new office is next to the city hall, facing the sea, with beautiful scenery.

Five functions of humic acid

May 08, 2023

Five functions of humic acid

For all things to grow well, the fertility of the soil is one of the main determinants, and the organic matter content in the soil determines the fertility of the soil. The humic acid used in the "Green Vitality" series products is the most active element of organic matter in the soil, and is the "brain gold" of the soil.

How to save fertilizers ,Qingdao Hibong help you

May 08, 2023

How to save fertilizers ,Qingdao Hibong help you

As the saying goes, a flower in a crop depends entirely on fertilizer. Fertilizer is very important for the growth of crops, and it can also improve the soil and promote high yield and harvest of crops. Is your storage method correct? Qingdao Hibong help you.