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How to save fertilizers ,Qingdao Hibong help you

How to save fertilizers ,Qingdao Hibong help you


As the saying goes, a flower in a crop depends entirely on fertilizer. Fertilizer is very important for the growth of crops, and it can also improve the soil and promote high yield and harvest of crops. Is your storage method correct? Qingdao Hibong help you.

First of all, chemical fertilizers cannot be mixed. If they are put together, the physical properties of the chemical fertilizers will be easily changed, and the wetness of the chemical fertilizers will increase, which is inconvenient to use when fertilizing.

     Pay attention to the correctness of the packaging when storing. Some fertilizer packaging may be mixed and does not match the fertilizer inside. In this way, mistakes will inevitably occur when using it. If it is used wrong, it will have a bad effect on the crops. So the original package is still good.

     Also, pay attention not to damage the packaging bags of chemical fertilizers, because for example, some fertilizers have strong hygroscopicity, and after absorbing water, they will become slurry or even liquid, which is not only not conducive to storage, but also reduces performance. to its proper effect.

     When storing, pay attention to fire prevention measures. 

      Contact Qingdao Hibong to know more.