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Five functions of humic acid

Five functions of humic acid


For all things to grow well, the fertility of the soil is one of the main determinants, and the organic matter content in the soil determines the fertility of the soil. The humic acid used in the "Green Vitality" series products is the most active element of organic matter in the soil, and is the "brain gold" of the soil.

(1) Increase the yield and improve plant quality.

(1) It has high content humic acid which is easy for absorption and has long

fertilizer efficiency. This greatly deduces its application amount and lower the agricultural production cost.

3) It is easily soluble in water and has the feature of anti hard water. Produced by special production technologies, it has excellent water solubility and is suitable for foliar spray, water flushing irrigation, drip irrigation, etc.

(4) It the natural plant vaccine and can improve plant immunity.

(2) (5)Meliorate and improve soil. Increase fertilizer efficiency of soil.