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Ammnonium Sulfate


Ammnonium Sulfate

Ammonium sulphate can make crops thrive and improve fruit quality and yield and strengthen resistance to disaster,can be used for common soil and plant in basic fertilizer, additional fertilizer and seed manure. Suitable for the rice seedling, paddy fields, wheat and grain, corns or maize, the growth of tea, vegetables, fruit trees, hay grass, lawns, turf and other plants. 

Product Details

Ammonium sulphate can make crops thrive and improve fruit quality and yield and strengthen resistance to disaster,can be used for common soil and plant in basic fertilizer, additional fertilizer and seed manure. Suitable for the rice seedling, paddy fields, wheat and grain, corns or maize, the growth of tea, vegetables, fruit trees, hay grass, lawns, turf and other plants. 








Nitrogen (Dry Basis)


Sulfur   (Dry Basis)


Moisture    (Dry Basis)


Free Acid




Particle size distribution(2-4mm)


Product feature:

- Produces few hydrogen sulfides which causes rot, and helps roots grow


- Accelerates photosynthesis and improves grain filling.

- Reduces crop lodging and stabilizes growth.

- Improve the taste of fruit and vegetable


Product Advantages:

Ammonium Sulphate is a kind of nitrogen fertilizer which can provide N for

NPK and mostly used for agriculture. Besides providing the element of

nitrogen, it can also provide the element of sulphur for crops, pastures and

other plants. Because of its fast release and quick acting, ammonium sulfate is

much better than other nitrogen fertilizers such as urea, ammonium

bicarbonate, ammonium chloride and ammonium nitrate.



Mainly used in fertilizer, its advantage is less absorbed moisture compared

to other fertilizer, can make compound fertilizer.

Ammonium sulphate granular is mainly used as fertilizer and is suitable for

various soils and crops.